About Me

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Joy Serves G*d in Joy as a passionate performing percussionist, poet, publisher, photographer, publicist, sound healer, spiritual guide, artist, gardener and Gemini. "Ivdu Et Hashem B'Simcha" -Psalm 100:2 ....... Joy Krauthammer, active in the Jewish Renewal, Feminist, and neo-Chasidic worlds for over three decades, kabbalistically leads Jewish women's life-cycle rituals. ... Workshops, and Bands are available for all Shuls, Sisterhoods, Rosh Chodeshes, Retreats, Concerts, Conferences & Festivals. ... My kavanah/intention is that my creative expressive gifts are inspirational, uplifting and joyous. In gratitude, I love doing mitzvot/good deeds, and connecting people in joy. In the zechut/merit of Reb Shlomo Carlebach, zt'l, I mamash love to help make our universe a smaller world, one REVEALING more spiritual consciousness, connection, compassion, and chesed/lovingkindness; to make visible the Face of the Divine... VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE and enjoy all offerings.... For BOOKINGS write: joyofwisdom1 at gmail.com, leave a COMMENT below, or call me. ... "Don't Postpone Joy" bear photo montage by Joy. Click to enlarge. BlesSings, Joy

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MIRIYAHM by Reb Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen

From the Letters of “My Firstborn Child” – 171
by Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen

"The loss of even one member of our people causes us great pain. Despite these spiritual and physical threats to our survival, we should not lose faith in the future of our people, and the faith of the young Miriam can serve as an example for all of us!

"And just as Miriam and Aaron joyfully danced over the renewed hope for the future, so will we. Let us therefore remember the following Divine promise to our people at the onset of our exile, when Hashem addressed us as, “the Maiden of Israel”:

“And I have loved you with an eternal love, therefore I have extended lovingkindness to you. I shall yet rebuild you and you shall be rebuilt, O Maiden of Israel; you will yet adorn yourself with drums and go forth in the round-dance of the joyful.” (Jeremiah 31:2,3)

“They will praise His Name with dance” (Psalm 149:3).
“Praise Him with drum and dance” (Psalm 150:4).

Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen
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With great sadness I share the news the my beloved Jerusalem chareidi Reb Yosef, z"l, gave over his sweet soul to The Compassionate One on 27 Elul 5771, the night after Slichot, and three days before Rosh Hashanah. May his memory be for many blesSings. - Joy Krauthammer

When I teach, it is in his zechut/his merit for Reb Yosef to have a high aliyah. He understood my neshama, and nurtured me, answered my spiritual questions, and called me his "spiritual child" and "sister Joy."

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